If you simply don't know where to start, or if you've hit the proverbial "brick wall" in your research, we can
help. We can assist you with your first steps in doing genealogical research, or analyze your research
progress to date and sugest next steps. This may involve providing information from our own collection,
online subscriptions, or other outside sources. The library offers a wide array of services designed to meet
your specific needs.
Patrons are welcome to pose research questions to our librarians during visits. We can also help you
navigate Ancestry, FamilySearch, MyHeritage, American Ancestors, Early American Newspapers, and other websites while at
the library. Genealogy Club, which meets once a month, offers instructions in genealogy topics. Visit our
blog or
Facebook page
to find out what else is happening at the library that may help you with your research. You
can also follow us on Instagram.
If you found reference to us and/or the AGBI in the results of a search on
ancestry.com, this is the form you want.
The library is the owner and publisher of the American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI). The index
contains more than four million names drawn from 800 books held by the Godfrey Library, with an additional
two million records from the weekly genealogy column in the Boston Transcript, which ran from 1896 to
1941. You can search the index for references to your ancestor at ancestry.com. Provide us with the index
entry for your ancestor and we will e-mail you a digital copy of the relevant page (or pages) along with the
source information. To request this service, submit the
AGBI Search Request Form.
If you have found information in a publication in our collection that you want, but can't come to the library
to get it yourself, no problem. We can make a digital scan and e-mail it to you. To request this service, submit
the One Source Lookup Request Form.
(Note: if you found reference to us and/or the AGBI on ancestry.com,
select the AGBI Search Request Form above.)
Do you need even more help? The library offers in-depth research services and assistance with lineage applications.
This involves our assessing
your research question, creating a research plan of action, conducting the research on an hourly basis, and
writing a report in accordance with genealogical standards.
Our minimum fee, with exceptions, is $. To request this service, submt the
Research Service Request Form.
We will contact you to discuss the scope of your research and pricing.