The library is a member-supported organization. Membership subscriptions are one of the largest revenue
streams that sustains the library's day-to-day operations. Click on the link to learn how to become a
Your tax-deductible cash donation helps support all aspects of the library's operations. While memberships and
research proceeds largely sustain us, we rely on donations to help start new projects and cover unforeseen
expenses. Our Annual Appeal in the fall helps support our budget, but donations in any amount are greatly
appreciated at any time of the year. Click on the link to learn how to make a donation to the
Godfrey Fund.
We are happy to accept books and research materials donated by our members and the general public.
The library is especially interested in receiving the following items to add to our physical collection:
•Genealogy, family history, and local history;
•Genealogy research having source citations; and
•Historical records.
Please contact us with a description of what you would like to donate so we can
determine the appropriateness of the items and make arrangements to receive them.
The library has a corps of volunteers that support the library's operations in various ways. Volunteers
receive all the benefits of Premium membership. If you are interested, click here to find out about
oppurtunities to volunteer.